The “Gatekeeper Extras” consist of this file, a Control Panel named “Gatekeeper Privilege Mover”, a text file named “Gatekeeper 1.2.1 Privileges.txt” and an application named “Gatekeeper Application”. These items are not necessary in order to use the Gatekeeper Anti-Virus System, but are included because they may be of use to advanced users – particularly system administrators.
The primary component of the extras is the Gatekeeper Privilege Mover (GkPM). GkPM allows you to move privileges between Gatekeeper and text files in much the same way the Font/DA Mover allows you to move fonts and DAs between the System and suitcase files. If you are familiar with the operation of the Font/DA Mover, GkPM should seem very familiar.
GkPM is particularly useful when you need to move privileges between one version or one copy of Gatekeeper and another. It also provides a convenient way to distribute updates to the default privilege list. One thing to remember, though, GkPM only works when used with a matching version of Gatekeeper. For example, GkPM 1.2.1 will only work with Gatekeeper 1.2.1. The text files created by GkPM, however, can be read by any version of GkPM, so they are version independent.
The “Gatekeeper 1.2.1 Privileges.txt” file is a text file for use with GkPM which contains the complete default privilege list included with the Gatekeeper 1.2.1 distribution. You can use this file simply for reference purposes, or to restore the default privileges should anything ever happen to the privilege list in your copy of Gatekeeper.
“Gatekeeper Application” is a program that makes it possible for users of systems prior to 7.0 to use the Gatekeeper Privilege Mover. The reason pre-7 users can’t open GkPM in the Control Panel desk accessory is that GkPM needs a much wider window than that allowed for by the Control Panel DA. System 7 users will probably not find much use for Gatekeeper Application, since they can open GkPM like any other control panel. Refer to the “About…” box for a slightly more complete explanation of the application’s purpose and workings.